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Baptism Matters.
Ready to take this step?
Why Does Baptism Matter?
Because the example Jesus set in Mark 1:9 MATTERS.
Because the command by Christ and the Apostles in Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 2:38 MATTERS.
Because publicly demonstrating that I am a follower as in Acts 18:80 and 1 John 2:3 MATTERS.
Because every conversion account in scripture of the early church highlights it as the expected response of a believer. (Acts 2:38-41, Acts 8:12-13, Acts 8:35-38, Acts 9:17-18, Acts 10:47-48, Acts 16:13-15, Acts 16:30-34) and that MATTERS.
Wondering what your next steps are in your relationship with Christ?
Download our next steps guide to help walk you through that process!
“After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.”
Matthew 3:16-17
When you decide to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart to become one of his followers, there was a death, a burial, and a resurrection that happened in your spirit. Baptism shows that! Being baptized in water shows that just like Jesus died and rose from the dead, you are symbolically taking that step too. That is why we like to say it is a great mile marker in your journey with Christ. It is a moment that you can always look back toward as you are in your faith journey.
1. JESUS WAS BAPTIZED: (Matthew 3:16-17)
If Jesus made it a point to be baptized, we should too.
2. IT IS A PICTURE OF NEW LIFE: (Mark 16:15-16; Colossians 2:12)
Getting baptized is symbolic of going from death to a new life just like Jesus did, going into the tomb for 3 days and then rising from the dead.
Anyone who’s ready to accept Christ as the leader and Lord of their life or already has. Baptism is a response step of following Christ.
Acts 2:37-38
If you are wanting to register someone who is a child, please see the section below
We have a fantastic baptism team at each of our campuses. If you have someone specific you would like to participate in the baptism with you, they are more than welcome to come. The more in or around the tank the better!
When you feel God calls you to follow him with your life and you accept that calling, you are ready!
Acts 8:35-38
We recognize that many have been “sprinkled” as children and we want you to be grateful for this foundation your parents laid for you. Baptism by immersion doesn’t invalidate the importance of what parents did for you. However, many times it leaves a wanting or desire to make the decision yourself. That is something that we want to celebrate and encourage as baptism is a great mile marker for your journey with Christ!
- When you are scheduled to be baptized, please check in at the Connect area so that we know you are here.
- If you make the decision to be baptized, but are not scheduled, please check in at the Connect area.
- During the time of Response (at the end of the preaching message), go to the baptistry area where a Baptism team member will be waiting for you. The team will take you to a changing area to prepare for baptism.
- During this time you will receive a T-shirt and shorts to change into along with whatever you brought to wear into the water. The baptism team will explain what baptism is and make sure you understand your decision. The team will also explain what will happen when you enter the baptistry and some instructions on what to do. You will be prayed over before you go in.
- Your family and friends are invited to come to the baptistry to witness your outward confession of faith. They are welcome to take pictures, videos and celebrate with you.
- You can also have family and friends in the water with you and to baptize you along with one of our baptism team members.
- Once you are baptized, the team will help you out of the water and get you towels to dry off with and you will get changed. You will keep your T-shirt as our gift to you. We pray you let others know through sharing your testimony with family and friends.
This is a big question and because of that, we encourage you to take your time speaking with your child. We advise parents to wait until their child is asking to be baptized multiple times before you start this journey. Their interest is typically a good indicator of their personal desire to take this step. They shouldn’t want to do it because we pushed them into it or all their friends are doing it. At The Rock we do not make it a practice to baptize kids under the age of 8. We desire to make sure your child understands the significance of salvation and baptism. That they will be able to look back on it as a moment of obedience and celebration. We also must be careful not to think for our kids or put words in their mouth when it comes to this decision, making sure that it is something your child is truly ready for.
Please stop by our kidzrock check in areas or a connect corner for a baptism packet and conversation about next steps.
To be baptized, or to get additional information about baptism, use the signup button below
Does your child want to be baptized?
Click here to download our Kidzrock Baptism Booklet that helps walk you through the process with your child!
Want to take the step of baptism?
Click the links below per campus to get scheduled!
Still have questions regarding the step of baptism? Contact

August 4 @ 6pm