Daily Reading Week 1
monday Jan. 2
2 Timothy 3
What verse did you connect with today?
It’s easy to look at verses 1-9 and judge others, take a moment to reflect on your own life and which sin you have a tendency to fall into?
Persecution and difficult times will come. How can you endure?
Why can we trust scripture? (V.16-17)
Today feels like the official kick-off of 2023. Take some time to write out some goals, some dreams, some things that you believe that God is calling you to. If you don’t know what those are yet - v.14-15 gives us a great guideline to doing what is best. Be faithful to the things that you are taught, read scripture, and trust the wisdom that comes from it.
Tuesday Jan. 3
2 Timothy 4
What verse did you connect with today?
How do you keep a clear mind in every situation? V. 5
What’s the good fight that you are in? V.7
Paul seems to struggle without the community that was originally around him in v.9-16. Who is your community?
Have you ever wondered how to share the gospel with someone?
2 Timothy 4:2 helps us understand how to.
1. Preach the word of God.
2. Be Prepared…. Don’t get caught off guard!
3. Give truth and grace… Got to have 100% of both!
4. Encourage others….. that there is hope!
Wednesday Jan. 4
Titus 1
What verse did you connect with today?
What are the qualities of a leader? V.5-9
How do you avoid useless talk?
Paul challenges Titus to reprimand the people who are struggling. Many people avoid this, yet Paul said it’s good for them. How do you biblically reprimand someone?
Barnes notes on the Bible says this about v. 9, “Holding fast the faithful word - That is, the true doctrines of the gospel. This means that he is to hold this fast, in opposition to one who would wrest it away, and in opposition to all false teachers, and to all systems of false philosophy. He must be a man who is firm in his belief of the doctrines of the Christian faith, and a man who can be relied on to maintain and defend those doctrines in all circumstances;”
How can you make sure you hold fast to the faithful word?
Thursday Jan. 5
Philemon 1
What verse did you connect with today?
What’s one thing you can thank God for today?
Paul has real love for Onesimus. He is someone that he pours into. Who do you spiritually pour into? Who spiritually pours into you?
Notice that Paul’s asking for forgiveness for Onesimus in v.17-18. Who is someone you can forgive today?
Paul thanks God because he hears about Philemon for his faith in Jesus and love for all of God’s people.
What’s one thing you can do today to show your love for God?
What’s one thing you can do today to show your love for people?
Friday Jan. 6
Psalm 1
What verse did you connect with today?
Why can we delight in the law of the Lord?
How do you meditate on the word of the Lord? How often do you think about God’s word?
What’s something you love about reading scripture?
How does reading scripture and following God’s words change your daily life?
V.1-2 talks about how the people that spend time with can effect who you are and what you do. How do you balance that with needing to seek and save the lost?
Saturday Jan. 7
Psalm 2
What verse did you connect with today?
The power of the Lord is evident in this section of scripture. Some people view this as a bad thing, why is it a good thing that the Lord is so powerful?
V.10 tells the kings to act wisely, the same could be said to us, how do we attain wisdom on how to act?
Benson says this about V.10, “Understand your true interest while you have time and space for repentance and submission; “
Take some time to reflect on your interests in life. Are you trying to glorify God with everything that you do?
Sunday Jan. 8
Joshua 1
What verse did you connect with today?
Have you ever felt, ill-equipped to take over a leadership position like Joshua? How did you respond to it?
How can you be strong and courageous today?
What’s one way you can be “better” today?