Daily Reading Week 2
Sunday Jan. 8
Matthew 7
In the illustration of the two builders, what was the physical difference between the two?
In Jesus’ spiritual application, how were the two men alike? How were they different?
What were the spiritual consequences to the illustration?
In today’s passage Jesus tells his followers about two types of people. He only mentions two here, because there are only two types of people, those that build their life on Christ and his Word and those that do not. It is also significant that both of the houses that were built in his story experienced storms. Both types of people will experience the storms of life. Jesus does not promise that those who follow him will not go through stormy seasons but he does promise that his followers will not fall when those storms come. The life built on Jesus and his Word will weather the storms of life.
Monday Jan. 9
2 Timothy 3:14-17
What role did Scripture have in Timothy’s education?
What is the source of Scripture – 3:16,17?
Why is this important?
What can Scripture do according to 3:17?
Today’s passage is one of many that assures us that the Bible is the very Word of God. Verse 16 tells us that all Scripture is God breathed or inspired. Everything we read on the pages of the Bible are the words spoken by God himself. If God is God he does not make mistakes. If the Bible is breathed out by God then it is free from error and trustworthy in all that it teaches. This is why Jesus can say “Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35) and why Paul instructs Timothy to use Scripture to correct and edify other believers (2 Tim 4:1-2). This is why the Bible is the final authority for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.
tuesday Jan. 10
Psalm 119:1-16
What does “blessed” mean in verse 1? How are we blessed?
What does it mean to “walk” in the law of the Lord?
If one “walks in the Law of the Lord,” what must their attitude be towards His Word?
The 119th Psalm places an emphasis on the continual work of God’s Word in the life of believers. In verses 1–8, the psalmist promises a blessing to those who seek to obey the Lord in accordance with his law. In verses 9–16, the psalmist furthers his point by highlighting the usefulness of applying Scripture to one's life. Verse 11 is the key verse in this section. The psalmist states that he has kept God's Word in his heart so that he would not sin against God. Although memorization of Scripture is in view here, most commentators note that the psalmist is not referring to that alone. Verse 11 is speaking to the psalmist’s effort to both know what God has revealed to him and to live his entire life in devotion to it. Just knowing what Scripture says is not enough. We have to embed its teaching into our everyday life. When we truly hide God’s Word in our heart we are equipped to resist temptation because we are able to identify what is good and what is not. We have the wisdom to make choices that help us to steer clear of situations that tempt us to sin.This is a deliberate process, so make time each day to study God’s Word and hide it in your heart.
wednesday Jan. 11
Joshua 2
What task did Joshua assign to the two men – 2:1?
Who received the spies and hid them?
Where does the New Testament refer to this woman? What does it say about her?
What had the people of Jericho heard about Israel – 2:9,10?
What effect did this have on the people of Jericho and on Rahab – 2:11?
After receiving his commission to lead Israel into Cannan, Joshua sent spies into the land. Joshua trusted God to give the land that was promised to Israel, but he also showed wisdom by trying to learn what he would face. Faith should not oppose wise actions. Joshua 2 also emphasizes the remarkable conversion of Rahab. Rahab, along with all of Cannan, had heard of the miraculous acts of God to deliver his people. Only Rahab responded rightly to what she had learned however. She abandoned the pagan gods of Cannan and bowed to the God of Israel, sparing herself and her family in the process. If the God of Israel is the all powerful God of the Universe, then the only hope we have to escape his righteous wrath is him. Rahab’s response should be our response.
thurday Jan. 12
Joshua 3
Day 12 Joshua 3
What were the priests carrying the ark to do at the river?
What did Joshua specifically predict was going to happen – 3:13?
What can we learn from the fact Joshua knew and predicted ahead of time what was about to happen?
What was unusual about the river at this time – 3:15?
Matthew Henry comments that the Red Sea parting under Moses was repeated at the Jordan River under Joshua “to show that God has the same power to finish the salvation of his people that he had to begin it.” God did not deliver his people from Egypt only to abandon them to their own devices to finish conquering the promised land. He was with them to complete it. In the same way God, who began a good work in us will be faithful to bring it to completion.
friday Jan. 13
Joshua 4
How many men were given a special job – 4:1,2? Why that many?
What job were they given – 4:3?
What purpose would the stones serve – 4:4-7?
In Joshua 4 we see the children of Israel as they have just completed the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River. They were instructed to erect pillars of stones to remind them of the event. As they faced troubling times ahead these monuments were meant to remind them of how God keeps his promises. Remembering how God has worked to deliver us in the past will help us to face current and future trials with the confidence that he is a God that keeps his promises. Joshua and the children of Israel erected stones to remind them of God’s work. Today we have Scripture to remind us of how God has worked through history. Make sure you are studying his Word daily to remind yourself of God’s goodness.
saturday Jan. 14
Joshua 1
What verse did you connect with today?
Have you ever felt ill-equipped to take over a leadership position like Joshua? How did you respond to it?
How can you be strong and courageous today?
What’s one way you can be “better” today?