Daily Reading Week 45


1 Kings 19

  • Have you ever experienced a season of deep discouragement and exhaustion in your faith journey? How did you cope with it?

  • How do you typically expect God to speak to you in challenging times?

  • In what ways can you create moments of stillness to hear God's voice more clearly?

  • Is there a specific burden or fear you need to bring before God in prayer?

  • How can you encourage others who may be going through a difficult season to seek God's presence and listen for His gentle whisper?


In 1 Kings 19, we find the prophet Elijah in a state of deep despair and exhaustion. Despite his recent victory over the prophets of Baal, he feared for his life and believed he was the only faithful one left in Israel. In his moment of weakness, God revealed Himself to Elijah in a gentle whisper. This encounter teaches us that even in our darkest hours, God is near and speaks to us in unexpected ways, reminding us of His presence and unfailing love.

There are times in our lives when we may feel utterly discouraged, as if the weight of the world rests upon our shoulders. Elijah's story encourages us to seek God in these moments of despair, just as he did. It reminds us that God often speaks to us not in the loud and dramatic, but in the quiet and subtle moments. We must open our hearts to listen for His still, small voice. In times of discouragement, seek God through prayer and meditation on His Word, trusting that He is near.

Today, take some time for silent reflection and prayer. Bring your burdens and discouragements before God, asking Him to speak to you in the quiet moments. Make an effort to create space for stillness and receptivity to God's gentle whisper, and journal any insights or encouragement you receive.


1 Kings 13

  • Can you think of instances where obedience to God's commands was particularly challenging for you? How did you navigate those situations?

  • What can we learn from the prophet's unwavering obedience to God's instructions?

  • In what areas of your life do you need to strengthen your commitment to obeying God's Word, even when faced with temptation?

  • How do you resist temptations that seek to lead you away from God's purpose for your life?

  • Who can you seek for support and accountability in your journey of obedience and resisting temptation?


Here we encounter an unnamed prophet who faithfully delivered God's message to King Jeroboam. He demonstrated remarkable obedience to God's specific instructions. However, he faced a severe test of his faith when an old prophet tempted him to disobey God's command. This chapter emphasizes the importance of unwavering obedience to God's Word, even when faced with significant challenges and temptations.

Obedience is not always easy, especially when faced with temptation. The unnamed prophet's story reminds us that obedience requires unwavering commitment to God's Word, regardless of external pressures. It is easy to be swayed when confronted with temptation or peer pressure. Therefore, we must fortify our hearts and resolve to follow God's commands, no matter the circumstances.

Reflect on areas in your life where obedience has been challenging, and temptations have led you astray. Commit to obeying God's Word without compromise. Identify an accountability partner to help you stay faithful to God's commands and resist temptations.


1 Kings 14

  • Reflect on the consequences of King Jeroboam's disobedience. How does this story speak to the consequences of disobedience in our lives today?

  • Are there areas in your life where you have been disobedient to God's commands, and it has led to negative consequences?

  • How can you turn from disobedience and seek repentance and restoration in your relationship with God?

  • In what ways can you contribute to a more obedient and God-honoring society?

  • What lessons can you draw from this chapter about the importance of heeding God's warnings and living in alignment with His will?


Even after receiving a prophecy warning of the judgment upon his house, Jeroboam remained unrepentant. His disobedience led to the calamity described in this chapter. This story serves as a stark reminder that disobedience carries severe consequences, not only for individuals but also for entire nations.

The consequences of disobedience are not limited to ancient kings. In our lives, disobedience to God's commands can lead to turmoil, discord, and destruction. It is essential to recognize the destructive nature of disobedience and take steps to live in alignment with God's will.

Spend time in self-examination. Identify areas in your life where disobedience to God's commands has led to negative consequences. Repent of these actions and seek reconciliation with God. If there are unresolved issues caused by disobedience, take steps to make amends and seek God's guidance in restoring those relationships.


1 Kings 15

  • What does it mean to have a heart for God, and why is it crucial in one's relationship with Him?

  • How can you follow the example of Asa in seeking God's ways and removing anything that hinders your relationship with Him?

  • Are there idols or distractions in your life that need to be addressed to have a heart more fully devoted to God?

  • How can you guard your heart and maintain a commitment to seek God's ways in a world full of distractions and temptations?

  • In what practical ways can you cultivate a heart for God and encourage others to do the same?


1 Kings 15 introduces us to two kings of Judah, Abijam and Asa. Abijam is depicted as doing evil in the eyes of the Lord, while Asa is commended for doing what was right. The key distinction is the condition of their hearts. Asa's commitment to seeking God's ways and removing idolatry from the land sets an example of wholehearted devotion to God.

The heart's condition matters greatly in our relationship with God. Asa's story reminds us of the significance of having a heart inclined toward God. We must actively seek God's ways and remove any idols or distractions that hinder our devotion to Him.

Evaluate the state of your heart. Are there idols or distractions in your life that need to be addressed? Commit to a life of wholehearted devotion to God. Make a list of practical steps you can take to remove hindrances and seek God's ways.


 1 Kings 16

  • What can we learn from King Ahab's wickedness and idolatry about the dangers of straying from God's ways?

  • Are there influences or choices in your life that could lead you away from God, similar to Ahab's choices?

  • How can you guard against the allure of idolatry and wickedness in your own life?

  • How can you be a source of light and truth to those who are entangled in the same kinds of idolatry and sin that Ahab was?


1 Kings 16 presents a bleak picture of King Ahab's reign, marked by wickedness and idolatry. His marriage to Jezebel and promotion of Baal worship led to dire consequences. This chapter serves as a stark warning against straying from God's ways and embracing false beliefs. King Ahab's choices and their consequences remind us of the dangers of turning away from God. We should be vigilant in guarding our hearts against idolatry and wickedness, both in our personal lives and in our society.


1 Kings 17

  • Can you recall a time when you were in desperate need, and God provided for you in unexpected ways?

  • How can you deepen your trust in God's provision and His ability to meet your needs in all circumstances?

  • In what areas of your life do you need to rely more on God's provision and less on your own resources?

  • How can you be a source of blessing to others who are in need, just as the widow of Zarephath was to Elijah?

  • What steps can you take to cultivate a greater spirit of dependence on God for your daily needs and encourage others to do the same?


God provides miraculously for Elijah through a widow in Zarephath, illustrating His faithfulness and ability to meet our needs, even in the most challenging circumstances. Elijah's story reminds us that God is our ultimate provider, even in times of dire need. We must trust in God's provision and rely on Him for our daily needs.

For all of us there are areas where we need to rely more on God's provision and less on our own resources.  The areas we can identify are the areas that we feel like we have to do it all. Hand it over to him and trust that he will provide.


1 Kings 18

  • What does Elijah's challenge on Mount Carmel reveal about the power and of the one true God?

  • How can you apply the lesson of wholehearted devotion to God in your own life?

  • Are there any "idols" or false beliefs that need to be challenged and removed from your life to fully serve and worship God?

  • How can you encourage others to wholeheartedly commit their lives to God and trust in His power?


This dramatic event displays the power and sovereignty of the one true God. Elijah's unwavering faith and commitment serve as a model for wholehearted devotion to God. Elijah's challenge on Mount Carmel is an example of the kind of devotion to God that we should all strive for. It calls us to stand boldly for our faith and challenge falsehood or idolatry. We must encourage others to commit their lives to God and trust in His power, but we should be modeling that for others.  That’s not going to be an easy task, but it is a worth it task.