Daily Reading Week 6
Joshua 9
What did the people of the land do to deal with Israel – 9:1,2?
Who tried to trick Israel – 9:3?
What preparations did they make?
What request did they make?
Why did they want to make a covenant with Israel?
Israel experiences two forms of attack in chapter 9. One was clear and blatant, the other was more subtle. We see the visible attack in verses 1-2 as the other kings of the land unite to attack Israel. In the following verses we see a much sneakier attack based on deception. While the short term threat was posed to them by enemies preparing for battle, the longer term threat was that the Gibeonites would slowly turn them from the Lord from the inside. We should be on our guard for these kinds of attacks from our enemy. He may come at us with clear temptations that we are expecting but then come at us from another angle where our attention isn’t focused. Put on the full armor of God described in Ephesians 6 daily so that you can be ready to stand against both kinds of attacks.
Matthew 7:7-11
What promise does Jesus make in 7:7,8? What application does this have to prayer?
How does Jesus illustrate God’s answers to prayer – 7:9-11?
What can we learn?
Living out the high calling that Jesus has laid out for his followers in the preceding chapters is impossible if we attempt it in our own strength. It’s not surprising then that Jesus returns to the subject of prayer. By persevering in prayer and seeking wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit, God will enable us to be faithful to his call. God is a generous Father that will not trick us and give us counterfeit things. He gives us all the spiritual and physical resources we need to serve him if we ask in faith.
James 1:1-8
What does wisdom mean? How do you define it?
What is the source of wisdom according to James?
What is the connection between wisdom, prayer, and Bible study?
What is meant by praying “in faith,” and what happens when we pray doubting?
If we lack wisdom, God will give it to us when we ask for it in faith. Verses 6-8 elaborate on what it means to ask for wisdom by faith. Asking by faith means that we do not doubt God but absolutely trust in his power. If we inconsistently hope in the Lord we cannot hope to receive much from his consistent hand. John Calvin comments on this passage saying: “our prayers are not heard by the Lord, except when we have a confidence that we shall obtain.”
Psalm 86
Psalm 86
How does your view of God stack up with Psalm 86?
How would believing this biblical view change your prayer life?
To what extent is our prayerlessness due to our not seeing our great needs?
David recalls the gang of violent, arrogant men who are seeking to kill him in Psalm 86:14. David is motivated to pray because he is aware of his need. We might better understand our own selfishness and the wider picture of relationships in families and the church by reading Psalm 86 and asking for wisdom through prayer like David does. David praises God in Psalm 86 from beginning to end. He praises him in humbling and sincere reverence throughout the prayer. He never diminishes God or the magnificence of God in any manner. He recognizes his boundless goodness. Use Psalm 86 as a guide and pray for mercy and wisdom and ask for God to lead you away from potential sin.
Joshua 22
What was the accusation made against the eastern tribes by the other tribes? What reasons did they give for their accusation – 22:11-20?
How did the eastern tribes respond? What conclusion was reached – 22:21-34?
The central issue in Joshua 22 is the concern for the unity of God’s people under the true worship of God. The trouble started when the tribes east of the Jordan built an altar. Shiloh had been established as the only place where sacrifices could be offered under the law. There was commendable zeal on the part of the western tribes when they reminded the eastern tribes of the trouble that arose due to disobedience in the past. The altar built by the eastern tribes was not meant for sacrifice however. It was built as a reminder to the tribes in the west that the eastern tribes had a share in Israel and a reminder to not go astray. The eastern tribes were as concerned about authentic worship as the western tribes. We should imitate this concern. We should value unity with other professing Christians but never at the expense of the truth.
Joshua 23
When did the events in chap. 23 occur – 23:1,2? To whom did Joshua speak?
What did Joshua remind them to do – 23:6.
What they were told to not do – 23:7,12.
What would happen if they became influenced by people of the land – 23:13-16?
In his charge to Israel Joshua focused on not adopting the customs of those people already living in the land, not intermarrying, and not joining them in idol worship. We can still learn from this guidance today, separating ourselves from false gods and from the idolatry of the modern world. John Calvin comments that we must “beware of allowing ourselves to become involved in fellowship with wickedness, by not keeping a sufficient distance from it.”
Joshua 24
Where did Joshua meet the people in 24:1? For whom did he speak?
How did Joshua begin his speech – 24:2?
What choice or challenge did Joshua put before the people in 24:14,15?
What choice had Joshua himself made?
Joshua calls Israel to serve the Lord just as he and his house had chosen to do in his final recorded charge to Israel. The call to be servants of God is a theme that we find throughout the Old and New Testaments. God sent Moses to Pharaoh so that his people would be released to serve him. Paul refers to himself in Galatians 1 and in many of his other letters as a slave to Christ. I doubt if many of us would disagree that this is a clear directive of scripture but it seems we often forget that the primary way that we serve God is by serving his people. Jesus tells us in Matthew 20 that greatness in the kingdom of God is for those who serve its citizens. We are each gifted with talents that are to be used to serve the church. If you are gifted as a teacher then you must teach. If your gift is hospitality then you must serve in that capacity. Whatever your gift, Jesus commands you to exercise it so that you will improve it and better help his church grow and mature.