Daily Reading Week 9


Genesis 2

  • What verse did you connect with today? 

  • What does a helper look like in a partner?

  • How do you cultivate a relationship of trust?


  • What’s one takeaway from this series that you have discovered?


Matthew 19:1-12

  • What verse did you connect with today?

  • Why do you think that the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus?

  • What does Jesus teach on gender, identity, sexual integrity in verses 4-6?

  • What does Jesus say about divorce? V. 8-9


Verses 4-6 are a great explanation on the biblical view of sexuality. The ESV says it this way in verse 6, “What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” God has designed life to be lived a certain way in all areas. Too often we try to distort God’s design and do things our own way. This isn’t just sexuality, this is in every area of life. We need to figure out God’s design and then follow through with what he wants us to do.


Ephesians 5:21-33

  • What verse did you connect with today?

  • How are wives supposed to serve their husbands? V. 22-24 

  • How are husbands supposed to lead their wives? V. 25-30

  • What is the parallel between marriage and Christ’s love for the church? 


  • What is one way you can submit and serve the people in your lives this week?


Proverbs 31

  • What verse did you connect with today? 

  • How can you speak up for the poor and the helpless?

  • What makes a wife have noble character? 

  • What does it look like to be clothed with strength and dignity? V. 25

  • What characteristics are we supposed to look for in a spouse? If you are married, how can you be a better spouse?


  • Matthew Henry’s commentary says this, “This is the description of a virtuous woman of those days, but the general outlines equally suit every age and nation.”

  • We can learn from history. Who is someone in your life that you want to emulate and how do you become more like them?


Genesis 10

  • What verse did you connect with today? 

  • Why do you do a daily connect time? If you are new to this, why did you choose to do one today?

  • Nimrod was referred to as a mighty warrior, but ended up being an enemy of God. What would you be referred as? How do you utilize that for good rather than evil? 

  • How do you think the story of Noah that we read about previously affected these generations of people?


  • This is our second genealogy in the course of three weeks. Many people can view this type of scripture as a slog to get through. Why do you believe it is still important to open your bible, read these names, and still spend that time connecting with the lord?


Genesis 11

  • What verse did you connect with today? 

  • What was the goal of building the tower?

  • Why do you think the people instantly went to glorifying themselves after life was re-established after the flood?


  • Got questions does a great job of answering the question, why would God do this? 

  • “In response, God confused the languages of humanity so that they could no longer communicate with each other (Genesis 11:7). The result was that people congregated with other people who spoke the same language, and then went together and settled in other parts of the world (Genesis 11:8-9). God confused the languages at the Tower of Babel to enforce His command for humanity to spread throughout the entire world.”


Genesis 12

  • What verse did you connect with today? 

  • What promise did God give Abram? Verse 2-3

  • How do you think Abrams' age affected Abram and Sarai’s belief? 

  • Abram was looking out for his own best interest (and no one else’s) when he lied to the Pharaoh. Where do you find yourself doing that?


  • God’s promise is a HUGE promise. Maclaren expositions says this, “But Abram had a great hope blazing in front, none the less bright or guiding because it all rested on the bare promise of God. It is the prerogative of faith to give solidity and reality to what the world thinks has neither.”

  • The promise of God is one that we can hold on to and embrace as we continue in life. What promise do you need to hold on to today?