Daily Reading Week 40
Colossians 4
What does Paul emphasize about the importance of prayer in Colossians 4:2-4, and how can we apply that to our lives today?
What does it mean to “walk in wisdom toward outsiders” (verse 5), and why is it important for our witness?
How does Paul encourage us to use our words, according to Colossians 4:6?
What can we learn from the way Paul values his relationships and partnerships in ministry in Colossians 4:7-17?
How can we model our Christian walk after Paul’s instructions in this chapter?
In Colossians 4, Paul stresses the importance of prayer, wisdom, and grace-filled speech in the life of a believer. He calls us to be watchful and thankful in prayer, asking God to open doors for the message of Christ to be shared clearly. Paul also reminds us of the impact of our words, encouraging us to speak with grace, seasoned with salt, so that we can respond well to everyone. This chapter highlights how we should be intentional in our relationships, both within the church and toward those outside the faith, always aiming to glorify Christ in our actions and speech.
2 Timothy 2
What does Paul mean by telling Timothy to be strong in the grace of Christ (verse 1)?
How does Paul use examples of a soldier, athlete, and farmer to explain Christian perseverance (verses 3-7)?
What does Paul emphasize about enduring hardship for the sake of the gospel in verses 8-10?
How does Paul describe the role of a faithful worker for God in 2 Timothy 2:14-26?
How can we apply the call to flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace (verse 22)?
2 Timothy 2 encourages us to endure in the faith with the same focus and discipline as a soldier, athlete, or farmer. Paul reminds us that being a follower of Christ requires perseverance, sacrifice, and commitment. He also calls us to rightly handle the Word of truth and to live as honorable vessels, ready for the Master’s use. In each of those metaphors, there is something that we can connect to.
Do you need to be a soldier, athlete, or farmer today?
2 Timothy 3
What verse did you connect with today?
Do you have someone you can look to like Timothy does Paul?
How does Paul instruct Timothy to follow his example of faith and perseverance in verses 10-12?
What does Paul say about the role of Scripture in equipping believers (verses 16-17)?
How can we ensure that we are being shaped by Scripture in our daily lives?
Paul paints a sobering picture of the difficult days ahead, where people will be lovers of themselves, proud, and ungrateful. However, in the midst of these challenges, Paul urges Timothy to remain steadfast in the truth of the gospel and to continue learning from the Scriptures, which are God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. This chapter reminds us of the vital role Scripture plays in shaping our faith and preparing us for every good work.
2 Timothy 4
What does Paul charge Timothy to do in 2 Timothy 4:1-2, and how does this apply to all believers?
How does Paul describe the temptation to listen to what we want to hear and why is this dangerous?
What does Paul say about finishing the race of faith in verses 6-8?
How does Paul demonstrate forgiveness and grace in his response to those who deserted him (verses 16-18)?
What legacy of faith does Paul leave for us to follow in this chapter?
2 Timothy 4 contains Paul’s final charge to Timothy, urging him to preach the Word with readiness and patience, even in the face of opposition. Paul warns that people will turn away from sound doctrine, seeking messages that please their own desires, but Timothy must remain faithful. Paul’s testimony of having “fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith” challenges us to live with endurance and to remain focused on Christ until the very end. In a world full of distractions and distortions, we are called to be faithful to the truth and to trust God’s strength to carry us through.
Titus 1
What does Paul say about the qualifications for church leaders in Titus 1:5-9, and why are these qualities important?
How does Paul describe the false teachers in Crete (verses 10-16), and what warnings should we heed from this?
Why does Paul emphasize self-control, hospitality, and a strong faith in the character of a leader?
How can we guard against false teachings in our own communities and lives today?
What role does sound doctrine play in shaping healthy leadership and churches?
Paul gives clear guidelines for what makes a good leader in the Christian church. Even if you're not a believer, the qualities he describes—like being honest, self-controlled, and having integrity—are things anyone can respect. He warns against people who are selfish and deceptive, which is something we can all relate to in today's world.
As Christians, Titus 1 reminds us that how we live matters deeply, especially as representatives of Christ. We are called to pursue lives of integrity, self-control, and love, reflecting the qualities of Christ in all we do. Our actions, words, and character should align with the truth of the gospel, showing others what it means to follow Jesus. We must guard against hypocrisy and selfish motives, striving to be people who live authentically in obedience to God’s word. By living this way, we honor God and become a witness to the world of His transforming power in our lives.
Titus 2
What verse did you connect with today?
In Titus 2:1, Paul instructs Titus to "teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine" (CSB). How does sound teaching shape the behavior of those in the church?
How does the grace of God shape our lives, according to Titus 2:11-14?
How do we become totally committed like Christ?
How can we live with a focus on both the present age and the hope of Christ’s return (verse 13)?
Paul emphasizes the importance of godly living for all believers, regardless of age or status. He teaches that our conduct should reflect the transforming grace of God and serve as a witness to those around us. Paul reminds us that the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation and instructing us to live upright and godly lives as we await the return of Christ.
Titus 3
What does Paul remind believers to do in Titus 3:1-2, and how can we apply this to our daily lives?
How does Paul describe our transformation through the work of the Holy Spirit in verses 4-7?
What does Paul emphasize about the importance of good works in verses 8 and 14?
How does Paul contrast the behavior of believers with that of people before they knew Christ (verses 3-5)?
What does it mean to “avoid foolish controversies” (verse 9), and how can we focus on what truly matters?
Titus 3 highlights the transformation that takes place in the life of a believer through the saving work of Jesus Christ. Paul reminds us that we were once disobedient, deceived, and enslaved by passions, but through God’s mercy, we have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. This grace is not something we earned, but it compels us to devote ourselves to good works as an expression of our faith. Paul also warns against getting caught up in foolish arguments, reminding us to focus on living out the gospel. This chapter challenges us to live lives that reflect the goodness and mercy of God, showing the world His love through our actions.