Daily Reading Week 43
Monday Oct. 24
Mark 14
What verse did you connect with in today’s scripture?
What was the greatest sacrifice you ever made for Jesus?
Who do you most relate to in this section of scripture? Are you Mary pouring out the oil? Peter in denial? The religious leaders? Judas?
Read Mark’s essay from Quest and then answer this question: How did Jesus view himself?
Tuesday Oct. 25
Exodus 12
How do you see the life of Jesus reflected in this story?
God saved the nation of Israel from the Egyptians. What has God saved you from?
Do you have any dates in your life that have spiritual significance? If so - find a way to write them down and celebrate them.
After reading these two scriptures this week that touch on the passover and the last supper - Find time to take communion today. Grab some juice (or whatever beverage you have) and some bread then think about Jesus, his sacrifice, and his love for us.
Wednesday Oct. 26
1 Corinthians 5
What verse did you connect with?
What do these verses say about Jesus as the lamb?
What is the danger of spiritual pride?
What are guardrails that you need to put in your life to avoid falling due to your spiritual pride? Who is someone that you can lean on for accountability?
Thursday Oct. 27
1 Peter 1
What verse did you connect with today?
What is the reward of trusting Jesus?
Why do you think we have to go through trials in life?
Once you know Jesus, there is a call for holy living. Why is that important to remember?
What are some things that you changed in your life once you knew Christ?
friday Oct. 28
Revelation 5
What verse did you connect with?
Re-read verses 1-5, think about all the great people in your life and think about how still Jesus is the only one worth to open the scroll.
What “song” stuck out to you as you read through them?
Do you ever think about what Heaven will be like? How do you picture it?
What can you praise Jesus for today?
saturday Oct. 29
Revelation 6
What verse did you connect to?
Why do you think we can forget about the power of Jesus?
How would having a consistent recognition of Jesus affect your daily life?
If you are feeling creative - pull out a piece of paper and draw what you pictured while reading this section of scripture.
If you are not feeling creative - simply close your eyes and reflect on the imagery :)
Once done, pray and thank Jesus for his power.
sunday Oct. 30
1 Samuel 25
What verse did you connect to?
How did Abigail “Get off her donkey?”
Do you feel like you are sacrificing to the level that you need to?
What makes us slow to start doing so?
How can you serve someone this week?