Daily Reading Week 47
Monday Nov. 21
Matthew 27
How did Jesus respond during his charges? How can you follow that example?
What are the different ways that Jesus had to endure pain in this section of scripture?
What’s the significance of the temple curtain being torn in two?
What are your techniques for enduring pain? How can you follow the example of Jesus?
This is one way crucifixion was described: “The person crucified was nailed to the cross as it lay on the ground, through each hand, extended to the utmost stretch, and through both the feet together. Then the cross was raised up, and the foot of it thrust with a violent shock into a hole in the ground prepared for it. This shock disjointed the body, whose whole weight hung upon the nails, till the person expired through mere dint of pain”
Take time to express your thankfulness today that Jesus died on the cross for you.
Tuesday Nov. 22
Isaiha 52
V.5 talks about how we are enslaved again. What are we slaves to today?
V.11 Tells us we need to get out from our sinfulness. What do you need to get away from today?
How has Jesus protected you in hard times like V. 12 says He will?
How did jesus exemplify v. 13-15?
This scripture is a beautiful reminder of the ability to free. At the beginning of this chapter we see a nation, a people who are broken down, beaten into the dust. People who are slaves to their situations were struggling. Yet, there was hope. Hope that God wuld deliver them from their oppressors. The scriptures create this imagery of broken to beautiful. That’s all of our stories, we are broken people, but because Jesus was willing to do, we can be beautiful as well.
Wednesday Nov. 23
Romans 5
What does problems and trials produce? V.3-5
How did God show his great love for us? V. 8
What does God’s free gift lead to? V. 16
V. 18-19 talks about how many can be made righteous. Do you know anybody else’ salvation story? If not, find a way to have a conversation with someone.
The book of James also talks about how troubles are a chance for great joy. It is much easier to have a strong faith when things are going well, but what if they aren’t? It’s easy to get out of your belief when your dreams are shattered, nothing is going right, and you are in pain. That is why the establishment of biblical routines are so important. Things such as reading scriptures, praying, being in a community, serving others. These are the habits that will help you when life gets hard!
Thursday Nov. 24
Romans 12
How does Jesus treat his enemies? How should we emulate him?
Romans 12:2 says we need to transform the patterns of our mind. What is something that you need to change in your thinking?
V.3 talks about honest evaluation. Right now - How are you doing on your faith journey?
What is the gift that god has given you to make a difference for the Kingdom?
How does Jesus treat his enemies? How should we emulate him?
Ellicott’s commentary says this about verse 21. “A fine sentiment. The infliction of vengeance is not a sign of strength, but of weakness. To repress the desire for revenge is to gain a victory over self, which is not only nobler in itself, but will also be much more effectual. It will disarm the enemy, and turn him into a friend.”
Who can you love today to show the strength of your faith?
friday Nov. 25
Hebrews 10
Have you ever been betrayed or rejected? How was that like?
How can the pain we experience increase our faith, hope, and love?
Jesus has forgiven us of our sins. Take a moment to thank him for that.
What does the writer of Hebrews urge us to do in v.23-25
V.32 challenges us to think about the early days of our faith. For many of us, that was a time and season where we were all in, gung-ho, ready to take on the world. Unfortunately, for many, it’s after that season that apathy can set in and we begin to fall into the trap of complacency. Today, long time Christ followers, I urge you to re-kindle the passion that you once had and those who are new, hold onto it with everything you have.
Isaiah 53
What verse did you connect with today?
How does this scripture help you know that Jesus loves you?
V. 7 says that he was oppressed and treated harshly, yet never said a word. Why is that a good thing? Why don’t we do that more?
Write out a prayer that you would want your enemies to pray for you. Now pray that prayer for your enemies.
sunDAY Nov. 27
Luke 2
What verse did you connect with today?
What are you looking forward to in this season?
The 3 main points for the sermon this weekend are: Slow down, see more, and sing loud. Which is the most challenging for you to do in this season?
Write down what the Christmas season means to you.
Luke 2:13-14. “13Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, 14“Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”
What’s something you can praise God for today?