Daily Reading Week 51
Quest 52 Blog
monday dec. 19
Acts 1
What verse did you connect with today?
Jesus left to go back to heaven, but someone just as important was left with us. Who do we have with us now? V. 8
What are you doing to prepare others for Jesus’ return?
When it comes to your circle of people who pour into you, how are you determining who is a part of that?
V.11 says “Why are you standing here staring into heaven?” As Christians - it’s easy to fall into the same trap as the apostles did in this moment. We can get so caught up in what is happening for us or watching whats happening, that we forget the calling of helping others find what matters. We are to tell people about Jesus in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Where has God called you to share the Gospel?
tuesday Dec. 20
Micah 4
What verse did you connect with today?
Why do you think the two pieces of imagery are a life of peace and the Lord’s power?
v. 9-10 talks about the pain of life. Yet, it also talks about how the Lord will rescue us. What pain has God rescued you from?
How are verses 1-8 fulfilled through the church?
The Cambridge Bible labels verses 1-4 as “The Ideal Happiness realized.”
Why do you think that is? How can we have that today?
wednesday Dec. 21
Philippians 2
What verse did you connect to?
What encouragement have you found in Christ? What comfort in his love? What Fellowship have you found?
Do you find yourself trying to be selfish and impress others? What are ways you can humble yourself?
How can you have the attitude of Christ?
Meditate on verses 9-11. How do you see King Jesus ruling in the world right now? How can you share that goodness with someone this week?
thursday Dec. 22
Colossians 1
What verse did you connect with today?
What are you praying for today?
Describe a time when you felt the Spirit empowering you to share your faith.
Paul’s influence was with the Church of Colossae and others. What circle of influence do you have?
What gifts has God given you to serve the church as Paul did? How does the gift of the Holy spirit empower us to use those gifts?
McLaren describes it this way, “It is an inward gift. It is not like the help that men can render us, given from without and apprehended and incorporated with ourselves through the medium of the understanding or of the heart. “
friday Dec. 23
Revelation 19
What verse did you connect with today?
The description of Jesus in V.11-16 is a powerful image. What portion of this text sticks out to you the most. Why?
Do you ever view Jesus as this powerful king who rules? Why or why not?
What’s an attribute of Jesus that you want to praise him for?
Take a moment and write out all the things that you are thankful for today. Praise God for them. Celebrate God for them. Ask someone else what they are thankful for today?
saturday Dec. 24
Matthew 1
What verse did you connect with today?
How has your family tree influenced you?
Who has been the most impactful person in your faith journey?
What’s something miraculous you have seen through the power of the Holy Spirit?
What can we learn from Joseph’s response in a stressful situation?
sunday Dec. 25
Luke 2
Day 25 Luke 2
What verse did you connect with the most today?
Who do you relate to the most in the story about the birth of Jesus?
How can you dedicate your life to the lord as Jesus was presented in the temple?
How have you found Christmas during this season?