Undecided - Philosophy 101

In this sermon we explore the concept of philosophy in the context of Christian faith, encouraging listeners to examine the philosophies they live by. We discuss various worldly philosophies, such as stoicism, existentialism, relativism, and hedonism, and contrasts them with the philosophy of Christianity, which may seem foolish to some. Drawing from 1 Corinthians 1, the sermon emphasizes that while the message of the cross may appear foolish to those who are perishing, it is the power and wisdom of God to those who believe. The challenge is to see the cross as the ultimate proof of God's love and wisdom. The sermon concludes with an invitation for individuals to respond to the Holy Spirit's call and frame their philosophies on the foundation of Christ.

  • Blog Week 2 — Philosophy 101

    In a world filled with diverse philosophies and beliefs, the journey to understanding and embracing faith can be both challenging and rewarding. Whether you view Christianity as a foolish, a curious enigma or a guiding light, this journey is deeply personal and transformative. We recently explored this theme in a sermon that delved into the perceived "foolishness" of faith and the profound wisdom it holds.

    For the Skeptics: A Call to Explore

    If you find yourself questioning the validity of Christianity, you're not alone. Many have stood at the crossroads of doubt and belief, pondering the logic and reason behind faith. The sermon highlighted how, historically, both Jews and Greeks struggled with the concept of a crucified Messiah. The Jews sought tangible proof, while the Greeks desired logical wisdom. To them, the message of the cross seemed foolish. Yet, this perceived foolishness is precisely where the beauty of Christianity lies. It challenges conventional wisdom and invites us to explore a deeper truth. The cross, a symbol of sacrifice and love, offers a unique perspective on strength, greatness, and life itself. It calls us to consider that true wisdom and power may not always align with worldly expectations.

    If you're a skeptic, we encourage you to explore these paradoxes with an open heart. Engage with the stories of those who have walked this path before you, like Lee Strobel, an investigative journalist who set out to disprove Christianity but found compelling evidence that led him to faith. Allow yourself the space to question, seek, and discover the profound truths that may lie beyond initial skepticism.

    For those who have faith: A Call to Embrace

    For those who have embraced Christianity, the sermon served as a powerful reminder of the strength and wisdom found in faith. It is easy to forget, amidst life's challenges, that the very foundation of our belief is built on principles that defy worldly logic. The call to be strong in weakness, to find life in surrender, and to serve as a path to greatness are not just philosophical ideas but transformative truths that shape our lives.

    As believers, we are encouraged to live out these truths daily, allowing the power of the cross to guide our actions and decisions. Our faith is not foolish; it is the embodiment of God's wisdom and love. It is a call to live counter-culturally, to embrace humility, and to find joy in serving others.

    A Unified Journey

    Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, the journey of faith is one that invites exploration, reflection, and growth. It is a path that challenges us to look beyond the surface and to seek deeper understanding. At The Rock Church, we are committed to walking this journey with you, providing a space where questions are welcomed, and faith is nurtured.

    We invite you to join us in this exploration, to engage with the teachings of Jesus, and to discover the transformative power of faith. Whether you are undecided or firmly rooted in belief, there is always room to grow and deepen your understanding. Together, let's embrace the journey from skepticism to faith, and from faith to a life fully lived in the wisdom and love of God.

  • Week 2 Small Group — Philosophy 101

    Download Guide Here

    Small Group Curriculum: Understanding Christian Philosophy

    Connect: Icebreaker Activity

    - What is your favorite movie quote that can be a “philosophy” people live by? How do they influence your daily decisions?

    Discover: Breaking Down the Sermon

    1. Introduction to Philosophies

    - Discussion: Reflect on the various philosophies mentioned in the sermon (e.g., stoicism, existentialism, relativism, hedonism). How do these compare to Christian philosophy?

    2. Christianity as a Philosophy

    - Question: The sermon mentioned that Christianity might seem foolish to some. Why do you think that is?

    - Discussion: Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. How does Paul describe the wisdom and power of God in contrast to human wisdom?

    -What proof of God do you or others look for?

    -What wisdom do people look for God to prove?

    3. The Cross as Power and Wisdom

    - Question: How does the cross demonstrate both the power and wisdom of God, according to the sermon?

    - Discussion: Discuss the paradoxes Jesus taught (e.g., to be strong, be weak; to find life, lose it). How do these teachings challenge or affirm your understanding of wisdom?

    4. Personal Reflection

    - Question: Have you ever struggled with seeing Christianity as foolish? What changed your perspective, or what questions do you still have?

    - Discussion: Share personal stories of how faith has transformed your understanding of wisdom and power.

    Respond: Practical Steps to Live Out the Sermon

    1. Embrace the Paradox

    - Action Step: Identify one area in your life where you can apply the paradoxical teachings of Jesus (e.g., serving others to find greatness). Commit to practicing this in the coming week.

    2. Seek the Spirit’s Guidance

    - Action Step: Spend time in prayer each day asking the Holy Spirit to reveal areas where you might be relying on human wisdom instead of God's wisdom. Journal any insights or changes in perspective.

    3. Engage with Scripture

    - Action Step: Read through 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 this week. Reflect on how God's wisdom is different from the world's wisdom. Consider memorizing a verse that stands out to you.

    4. Share Your Faith

    - Action Step: Think of one person in your life who might view Christianity as foolish. Pray for an opportunity to share your faith story with them, focusing on how the cross has been a source of power and wisdom in your life.

    Closing Prayer:

    Invite someone to close the session in prayer, asking God to help each person embrace the wisdom of the cross and to live out their faith boldly and wisely.


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